--- layout: default route: index fixed-navbar: false title: Quick-Start subtitle: Display a badge element in front of another Bulma element with different colors. --- {% capture component_include_css %} {% endcapture %} {% capture component_include_sass %} @charset "utf-8" // Import Bulma core @import 'bulma.sass' // Import component @import "bulma-badge.sass" {% endcapture %} {% include anchor.html name="Features" %}


Calendar works fine on any device: desktop, tablet or mobile.


Many options to customize behavior. Use of sass variables to easily customize design.

{% include anchor.html name="Installation" %}
This component requires bulma.io to work. See bulma.io documentation first to know how to include it into your project.

There are several ways to get started with Bulma-extensions. You can either:

Use npm to install and stay up to date in the future

{% highlight shell %}npm install bulma-badge{% endhighlight %}

Use the GitHub repository to get the latest development version

This method requires git installed on your computer.

{% highlight shell %}git clone git://github.com/Wikiki/bulma-badge.git{% endhighlight %}
{% include anchor.html name="Content" %}

The component comes with various files:

Depending on your need your can use either pre-compiled files from dist directory or sources from src directory.

{% include anchor.html name="Integration" %}
This component requires bulma.io to work. See bulma.io documentation first to know how to install it.

You are only at 3 simple steps to work with bulmaCalendar.